Friday, September 14, 2007

what is mCu ?


as the name mentioned, mCu, actually represents mini Caring unit.It is a extension from the yahoo group intend to group people and friends together to work out on how to help needy parties around us.

MCU,a virtual non-government organization is hoping to create here and the more important is to have YOU to join us if you feel interested and curious about it.

Our mission mainly is to help the youth around us to be more informative, knowledgeable and decisive on the issue of further studies and others like decision making on career (i.e: art/science stream).

We currently have 13 members under this group of mCu and they are come from different background, different professions, and different type of life style. We believe this can create innovation in helping our clients for the better solutions.

Any enquiries, please don't hesitate to call our careline or email to us or
drop a message to us. We would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Careline: n/a currently

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